Virtual Creativity!
Francis Menotti Zoom Lecture
There is beauty in the virtual format: Every lecture attendee is granted an up-close and personal view of the inner workings of magic!​
Join me for over 90 minutes of sleights, stories, and structuring your magic​

A lecture for beginners and pros alike,
I'll teach new sleights, finesses on old ones, and secrets to increasing the impact of the magic you already do.
I will also give behind the scenes anecdotes from “Fool Us” as well as my work on consulting for network TV.
You'll Learn:
Two Sides of Every Coin - an absurd but logical reason for how coins can appear and disappear, featuring the deceptive "Nevermore" vanish of a single coin.
This is Real - whimsical, theatrical bit with a pen and your hand (or a blank index card) that shows words aren't always necessary for magical story-telling
Ins and Outs - a favorite closer of Francis' that gives a good reason to learn (or perfect) your faro shuffle
Wordsmyth - the Scrabble trick I used to fool Penn & Teller, how it works and how I've managed to adapt it (and other pieces) for the virtual realm.
Also discussed:
Backstage consulting for theatre, film, and television, including my year working on the network TV series, "Deception."
Boxed! (the trick I presented this past season of Fool Us and why I structured it the way I did, as well as working with the editors to make misdirection-based magic feasible for television.
We'll delve into more tricks and stories than the above, contingent upon YOUR interest, questions, and requests! Looking forward to seeing you soon!
"The Future of Magic!" - Teller
"Very Clever stuff!" - Steve Martin
Products for Sale?
Why, I'm so glad you asked! Yes, I have a few tricks and PDF notes for sale, along with my Treachery of Tricks DVD (now as instant Download) that can be ordered and shipped during or at the end of the lecture for a discounted price. ​
Order from this page and you'll get discounts on the products I have available until the page disappears on April 21st!
Also: HERE ARE YOUR NOTES! As arranged with Ring 216, these notes are included and free to all who attend the lecture. (Please don't share with those NOT in attendance. I'm trusting you. Just don't. Thanks!)

Discounted Products
Adding products will open cart in a separate window. You'll have to toggle back and forth from this page to add more, if you like.

Visual Coin through Shirt
$10 (usually $15)

Treachery of Tricks (Penguin Magic)
Digital download of Francis' most favorite material and magic philosophy.
$20 (usually $25)

PDF of wild card (and object) to mouth presentations. Fun, quirky, routines. Practical theory.
$10 (usually $15)

Extremely limited run (only 100 ever)
First part of my 2020 Fool Us appearance, along with the instructions on the thumb-tip-less bill vanish.
$305 (usually $325)
(There is a 4-6 week turn-around time for production.)
All done? Thanks!

Looking for the trick I used to fool Penn & Teller in 2015? Wordsmyth is available directly through Vanishing Inc's site. Find that and my Rubik's Cube magic square effect, Cubic, here:
Even better: use the code FMGenii for 20% off your order!
If you'd like to keep up on new performances, products, or lectures, sign up here! Thanks.