Francis Menotti Lectures and Products
Thanks for visiting, friends!​
If you watch(ed) Fool Us (2020), you saw me perform one of my favorite pieces that's been in almost all of my shows for the past few years. Guess what? It's going on sale!
Please be aware: this is NOT an online store and as such is not automated as one normally would be.
Interested in having a full virtual lecture for your club?
I'd love to work with you! Shoot me an email at
Stay well!

Looking to purchase the package deal, below? Well, thanks! In celebration of my Season 7 Fool Us appearance, we're offering a discount package of $50 (plus shipping for Materialistic) on the totality of items below.
Note this does NOT include "Boxed," which can be purchased and seen here!
For everything other than "Boxed," just click "Buy Now" and save yourself the time.
Otherwise, browse on. Thanks!

Quarantine Lecture Notes!
A little magic, a little light reading, a little encouragement. Thanks for sharing in this magic journey!

Newly Updated and re-released! Borrowed quarter through shirt- a very visual and easy to do coin penetration. Will ship within 5 business days.
Treachery of Tricks
(Video Download)

This is my two "disc" set, and truly the release I'm most proud of. Magic, sleights, routines, and a full show I did years ago, along with commentary on why I structured things the way I did/do.

A short treatise of wacky and wild card-to-mouth presentations, including the original "read-the-signs-silently" trick. Ebook only!
Looking for the trick I used to fool Penn & Teller in 2015? Wordsmyth is available directly through Vanishing Inc's site. Find that and my Rubik's Cube magic square effect, Cubic, here:
Thanks again! And if you have any questions, concerns, or just need someone to talk to as we figure out this strange new world, please don't hesitate to reach out.
Your friend in magic,
If you'd like to keep up on new performances, products, or lectures, sign up here! Thanks.