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More than Just Moves

Francis Menotti Live Lecture
for SAM 161

Finally back to lecturing live and in person, and I can't wait to spend time with you!​


Join me for over 90 minutes of sleights, stories, and subtle ruses to help your magic​



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A lecture for beginners and pros alike,

I'll teach new effects, finesses on old ones, and some utility devices and clever ruses you can apply to the magic you already do.


I will also give behind the scenes anecdotes from “Fool Us” as well as my work on consulting for network TV.


You'll Learn:



This is Real - whimsical, theatrical bit with a pen and your hand (or a blank index card) that shows words aren't always necessary for magical story-telling


Ins and Outs - a favorite closer of Francis' that gives a good reason to learn (or perfect) your faro shuffle


The Can Trick

A humble, basic name for the very first piece of card magic I created and still do to this day over thirty years later. Only now, there may be an improvement or two that I think you'll find fun and applicable to your own performances.



Also discussed:

Backstage consulting for theatre, film, and television, including my year working on the network TV series, "Deception."


Boxed! (the trick I presented this past season of Fool Us and why I structured it the way I did, as well as working  with the editors to make misdirection-based magic feasible for television. 


We'll delve into more tricks and stories than the above, contingent upon YOUR interest, questions, and requests! Looking forward to seeing you soon!



"The Future of Magic!" - Teller

"Very Clever stuff!" - Steve Martin

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Why yes, I will have some products for sale, including lecture notes, my visual coin-through shirt (Materialistic), and my Instant Download 2-Disc set from Paper Crane/Penguin Magic, "Treachery of Tricks."   See you soon!


If you'd like to keep up on new performances, products, or lectures, sign up here! Thanks.

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Thanks again! And if you have any questions, concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out. 
Your friend in magic,

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